Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My heart hurts

I can't imagine what the parents and families of the Sandy Hook tragedy are feeling! I would never ever want to be in their shoes. I can't imagine what is going through the minds of the kids who witnessed this! Their thought should be on what toys to play with, playing with other kids, and getting excited for Christmas. My heart hurts so much for the loss, the loss of lives, the loss of innocence on the things they weren't supposed to see. I can't even comprehend how I would feel and its easier for me to deal with what I would have seen. They are babies. They shouldn't have to deal with adult things like that. I just feel sorry. I wish I could hold every parent, every child, and tell them that I'm so sorry for their loss. I wish there was something I could do to take the pain away. No parent should have to go through that, let alone a child. I just can't imagine what those parents are feeling that wrapped gifts that won't be opened. I just can't comprehend it.

Nap time is a huge meltdown today but I'm thankful for every minute of it because I have my child. It makes you grateful for every minute you do have even the bad moments. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Parents, hug you child/children a little bit tighter. Appreciate every single moment you have with them. Take the time to cuddle with them or play with them, because laundry, dishes, housework, and other things can wait till later. Take that time. You don't know what could happen tomorrow or even later today. We aren't promised a tomorrow. So don't put off until tomorrow what you can do right now. Put a little note of love in their lunch. Just let them know how much you love them and think about them. They deserve it. And teach them what to do in case of an emergency. I was watching Dr. Phil and he was talking to a set of parents that their little one escaped out of that room. Those parents told him a while ago that if you see someone with a gun in the school, you run. It saved his life. I don't know what his name is but please be praying for those little ones and the families. Pray that angels will wrap their arms around those kids and parents. Remember those families.

Have a Merry Christmas. Enjoy your families no matter how screwed up they may be. Be thankful! And remember what next Tuesday is all about. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A little less wisdomess...

Well I have 50% less wisdom than I did yesterday morning. I am glad that I didn't have to have all 4 wisdom teeth out because I am in pain. I remember most of the surgery even though they said I would forget it. The doctor was really mean to his nurses and I didn't like that one bit. It's not fun to work in an environment like that. Any bosses who are reading this, take note. No one likes to work in a negative and rude environment. It doesn't make your employees want to work for you or make you happy. In fact, you might get a laxative put in your drink so be careful! 

My mouth is a little puffy and I would like to just eat some pizza. Thanks Amy Donaldson for putting that in my head. Now whenever I see a pizza commercial I have to have it! I blame you! The dentist didn't cut the stitches short enough and they are bothering me so hopefully they dissolve soon! I have been sleepy on and off and light headed so that's not fun, but my husband is doing an amazing job not letting me do anything and I mean anything around the house so that I get better quicker. He even took Monday off to help make sure I am better and to help take care of Lex! What a sweetheart.

I am in the process of making a few Christmas cards. This is the first time doing this.

So I hope they turn out well.

Okay, its time for me to go rest now.
Have a great evening!!