Saturday, December 1, 2012

A little less wisdomess...

Well I have 50% less wisdom than I did yesterday morning. I am glad that I didn't have to have all 4 wisdom teeth out because I am in pain. I remember most of the surgery even though they said I would forget it. The doctor was really mean to his nurses and I didn't like that one bit. It's not fun to work in an environment like that. Any bosses who are reading this, take note. No one likes to work in a negative and rude environment. It doesn't make your employees want to work for you or make you happy. In fact, you might get a laxative put in your drink so be careful! 

My mouth is a little puffy and I would like to just eat some pizza. Thanks Amy Donaldson for putting that in my head. Now whenever I see a pizza commercial I have to have it! I blame you! The dentist didn't cut the stitches short enough and they are bothering me so hopefully they dissolve soon! I have been sleepy on and off and light headed so that's not fun, but my husband is doing an amazing job not letting me do anything and I mean anything around the house so that I get better quicker. He even took Monday off to help make sure I am better and to help take care of Lex! What a sweetheart.

I am in the process of making a few Christmas cards. This is the first time doing this.

So I hope they turn out well.

Okay, its time for me to go rest now.
Have a great evening!!

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