Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My heart hurts

I can't imagine what the parents and families of the Sandy Hook tragedy are feeling! I would never ever want to be in their shoes. I can't imagine what is going through the minds of the kids who witnessed this! Their thought should be on what toys to play with, playing with other kids, and getting excited for Christmas. My heart hurts so much for the loss, the loss of lives, the loss of innocence on the things they weren't supposed to see. I can't even comprehend how I would feel and its easier for me to deal with what I would have seen. They are babies. They shouldn't have to deal with adult things like that. I just feel sorry. I wish I could hold every parent, every child, and tell them that I'm so sorry for their loss. I wish there was something I could do to take the pain away. No parent should have to go through that, let alone a child. I just can't imagine what those parents are feeling that wrapped gifts that won't be opened. I just can't comprehend it.

Nap time is a huge meltdown today but I'm thankful for every minute of it because I have my child. It makes you grateful for every minute you do have even the bad moments. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Parents, hug you child/children a little bit tighter. Appreciate every single moment you have with them. Take the time to cuddle with them or play with them, because laundry, dishes, housework, and other things can wait till later. Take that time. You don't know what could happen tomorrow or even later today. We aren't promised a tomorrow. So don't put off until tomorrow what you can do right now. Put a little note of love in their lunch. Just let them know how much you love them and think about them. They deserve it. And teach them what to do in case of an emergency. I was watching Dr. Phil and he was talking to a set of parents that their little one escaped out of that room. Those parents told him a while ago that if you see someone with a gun in the school, you run. It saved his life. I don't know what his name is but please be praying for those little ones and the families. Pray that angels will wrap their arms around those kids and parents. Remember those families.

Have a Merry Christmas. Enjoy your families no matter how screwed up they may be. Be thankful! And remember what next Tuesday is all about. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A little less wisdomess...

Well I have 50% less wisdom than I did yesterday morning. I am glad that I didn't have to have all 4 wisdom teeth out because I am in pain. I remember most of the surgery even though they said I would forget it. The doctor was really mean to his nurses and I didn't like that one bit. It's not fun to work in an environment like that. Any bosses who are reading this, take note. No one likes to work in a negative and rude environment. It doesn't make your employees want to work for you or make you happy. In fact, you might get a laxative put in your drink so be careful! 

My mouth is a little puffy and I would like to just eat some pizza. Thanks Amy Donaldson for putting that in my head. Now whenever I see a pizza commercial I have to have it! I blame you! The dentist didn't cut the stitches short enough and they are bothering me so hopefully they dissolve soon! I have been sleepy on and off and light headed so that's not fun, but my husband is doing an amazing job not letting me do anything and I mean anything around the house so that I get better quicker. He even took Monday off to help make sure I am better and to help take care of Lex! What a sweetheart.

I am in the process of making a few Christmas cards. This is the first time doing this.

So I hope they turn out well.

Okay, its time for me to go rest now.
Have a great evening!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tis the Season

And so the craziness begins. Trying to think of gifts to get for people. I finished shopping for Lex already. Not doing much for her since it won't be that big of a deal for her. I already have an idea of some things I'm getting. My philosophy is to shop smarter this year and save some money, take advantage of freebies that I receive through emails and look for good deals. I'm really good at good deal shopping, I mean that's how I got a pair of jeans from JC Pennies for $1! : )

I'm hoping for the possibility of snow this year so that Lex can see it. If not, there's always next year when it will be more memorable for her. I'm not really into making thing happen right now for her. Like we didn't do anything for Halloween because she's not walking and she has no use for candy anyway so I saw no point in buying a costume. I think that is a practical way of thinking. I also know what cake I'm going to make for Lex for her first birthday and it will only be a small cupcake. 

I don't know how much blogging I will get done this month due to a clingy baby (ugh LORD HELP ME!!!!),  wisdom teeth removal (LORD PLEASE LET ME SLEEP THOUGH EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE FEW DAYS AFTER THAT I WILL BE IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and the Christmas shopping and spending time with family. Family is more important than a blog anyway. : )

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I can't believe how long its been since I have blogged! So much is happening. Papa was in the hospital and is still battling with whatever he has. The doctors still don't know what is causing him to keep coughing. I just feel bad because I want him to get better.

Lexi is doing so many new things. Its hard to keep up with all of it! She's able to drink from a straw, she's eating off my plate, her two bottom teeth have popped through the gums... There's just so much that I would have to go get the calendar to see what all she has done since I blogged last.

New changes are happening! Josh is getting some settlement money for his accident which should for the most part get us out of our debt! I don't know what we are gonna do with ourselves with not having to spend so much money on medical bills each month! We are looking at buying Nana and Papa's house. So many things are changing!

The ducks lost. Our first and hopefully only loss of the season! I know we are going to kick some beaver butt next weekend! 

Next week is Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for:
1. A roof over my head
2. A loving husband
3. A very healthy and beautiful baby (the most beautiful baby EVER I might add!)
4. A loving family
5. Joey!
6. A car
7. To be able to stay at home and raise my daughter
8. The ability to be a good cook!!

The list goes on and on. I challenge you to think about all that God has provided for you over the years.

Oh.............and.............uhhhhh......not so thankful for this one but I am having my wisdom teeth out at the end of this month. God, why didn't you just make them disappear like magic? It seems like it would be so much less painful! LOL Pray for me. I'm already a nervous wreck and for those of you who know me know that this is normal for me to be freaking out..............................UGH!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

So much to catch up on!

Wow! I haven't written in forever! Time goes by so fast these days! I can't believe Alexis is 7 and a half months old! I remember watching her sleep hoping she wouldn't wake up! Where has time gone? Oh and what is she doing now you may ask? WELL, she is standing in her crib so we had to lower it! Also, since we have lowered it, she has now learned to stand up again! She is also standing in her play pin, which in the crib I can understand because she can grab onto the bars. There is nothing for her to grab on to stand herself up. *face palm* My job is about to get so much harder. Now I will have to worry about her falling and scraping a body part or hurting herself in general! She's not wanting to take a night time bottle so we have just been feeding her food and rice cereal before bed and for the most part she sleeps through the night. She's crawling and army crawling all over. I can't leave a room without her moving somewhere unless she is in the play pin. She is clapping her hands. She took her first step on Monday. She is pretty much out of 12 month clothes and into 18 months. (LORD HELP ME!!!!!) She is a growing little girl and I couldn't be more proud to say "I'm her mama." 

I had a great birthday. I think it was the best one in years actually. Everything went pretty smooth and the ducks won to top it off! The day after my birthday, mom, Lex and I went shopping. I managed (I don't know how) to find a pair of jeans at JC Penny's for $1. All I have to say is that it pays to shop on the clearance rack. 

I have found something new. Selling items on Facebook! I have made $10 which I'm putting towards rice cereal for Lex. I'm in the process of selling 4 diapers to a lady in Colorado. Then I will use that money to buy 2 brand new bum genius snap diapers. Things are flowing and I can't say I hate it. : ) Oh and Josh and I are going to marriage counseling for a "tune up" which is actually quite nice. I think that more couples should. Its just nice to get a Godly perspective through a Christian Counselor. I recommend Carolyn Rexius! She's very nice! Like I said, things are flowing quite nicely! Enjoy your weekend!

And oh.........

GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tomorrow is my birthday

I never usually make a big deal about my birthday since I had bad experiences when I was younger, but I think I'm finally getting over it! It's my birthday week and I'm excited for it! This is my first birthday that Lex will get to be there other than in my tummy. So much has changed it a year and I can hardly believe it. Yesterday Lex turned 7 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying! One day she will be standing on a chair cooking with me in the kitchen! Speaking of the kitchen, I made pretzel rolls for the first time yesterday and they turned out soooooo yummy!

For my birthday, I'm making the Paula Deen Cut the Calories Coconut cream pie plus whatever dessert that Josh wants. We are celebrating his and my birthdays tomorrow. (is that correct grammar? It looks weird) Also watched an episode of extreme couponing and I have no idea how they do that. I think that  someone needs to do everything for me and I will just give them my list and go with them Ha ha ha ha! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Losing the Battle

Ever feel like you are fighting a battle you can't win? I am. I feel like I'm in a black hole looking for light and there isn't any. Do I just keep wandering around until I find the light somewhere? It feels like its much easier to give up. I don't know how much strength I have left. I don't know how much longer I can keep fighting. Must. Keep. Moving. WHY???? Why does this keep happening??? One trial after the next and they aren't getting easier! They are only harder to fight! I don't feel like I have recovered from one trail before the next one comes! Is there hope?? Someday will life get better??? Or is it just going to be one trial after the next? Always downs. There's never ups and downs it seems. I would love to see an up. Just one! Even if its just a teensy up!

Just opened my Bible on my phone and this is the verse of the day. "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

What if I don't feel like giving thanks??? I don't know what to give thanks for at this point. Well here it goes. 
1. Thanks God for the roof over my head.
2. Thanks that I get to stay home and raise my daughter.
3. Thank you that we have just enough money to make it.
4.Thank you for a beautiful daughter.
5. Thank you for my husband.
6. Thank you for my family.
7. Thank you for modern conveniences.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Last night I had a lot of fun with Amy, Heather, Jennifer and my mom. We went out to BJ's (which if you haven't tried it, shame on you.) and I got to have some adult time! It was lovely! Can't wait to do it again. It was just what I needed at the right time.

8 days until I'm 24. Where has time gone? Next year I will be able to say I'm in my mid 20's. Again, where has time gone? In 6 days Lex will be 7 months old! When did that happen??? Ugh, she's growing up too fast! I feel like so much has happened in 7 months. I don't know if I can say that for any other time in my life other than when I was pregnant. This is the fastest time has flown! WOW! Don't know what I will fix for dinner tonight. I guess I will have to wait for inspiration to hit me! Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

It's Mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!!!! 9 days after my Mom celebrated her birthday (24 years ago) I was born! There are so many birthdays in October! It's crazy! Wanna know why????? We were all conceived around New Years! Ha ha ha ha! I guess that's when people start getting board in the winter!

I tried curry last night for the first time and love the taste. I made fried chicken for Monday night dinner and put some curry powder in with the other seasonings for the chicken and it turned out well! I'm gonna have to get some on the next paycheck!!!!! Oh so many things to experiment with! I also got Marscapone cheese to try. I haven't tried it yet. First I will try it plain and then I will try it in a recipe! I got to see Taken 2 over the weekend and it was pretty good. It was a little predictable because if you have see the first one you know what he's capable of but all in all a good movie!  

Monday, October 8, 2012


Lexi said "da-da" for the first time on Friday. She's still working on mama which ends up "vah-vah" but I will take it. She's growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. I'm going to start doing new things and step out of my comfort zone. I'm going to try calling one of my cousins (if its still her number) to see if I can get ahold of my other cousin. I have been wanting to contact him for years and we talked to him a while back but that was before I was married and had a child. It takes guts to step out and do those things and I'm tired of living in the "what if..." and I want to do something about it. I may try to call this evening if I can. If not, I will do it Wednesday. 

List of things I want to do:
1. Call my Cousin

Well I will add more things to this list as they come up. Ha ha ha I guess I didn't think that all the way though. On the menu tonight is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and blueberry coconut coffee cake muffins. I have tried the muffins and boy are they good!!!!!!! : )

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Fall is here! I like fall! Its the rain that I don't like! Yes, I know its Oregon but the rain can be so depressing especially when we have so much of it. Another thing I didn't like about fall was the fact that it was too cold to go grill outside and at this point I would have to take Lex outside with me to grill, but now there's a solution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BROILING!!!!!! I made steaks last night and for the FIRST TIME EVER I made myself a medium steak and Josh a medium rare steak! I can't wait to do burgers! Oh my gosh this has just opened up my world. Tonight I'm doing chicken! 

Fall. I think of hot chocolate, warm soups, football season, birthdays...etc. So many things. Its my bestie's birthday today! Happy birthday Court! Can't believe you're 24 and I CAN'T WAIT to see what 24 brings for you! You have no idea!!! Hey Court, I was thinking that we should start looking for our mansion to move into together! I can even watch your kids and my kids and they can grow up together! I at the very least expect if we outlive our husbands we are going to find a house together and be 2 crazy old ladies that get the cops called on us because we are making so much noise and making fun of the neighbors and playing "you team" at the age of 90! Seriously!

Tomorrow is Friday and the time Lex and I get to spend with Nonnie! I'm quite excited! We didn't get to spend time together last weekend! Also, I'm excited for the game on Saturday! GO DUCKS! Win The Day!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall, Grandparents, and learning new things!

Wow! I haven't blogged in a quite a bit! This past weekend Josh, Lex and I went to visit his grandparents in Washington. Its always fun to go but this time was different because we had Lex. Having a baby adds so much more responsibility to your life! I don't regret having her one bit it just makes some things harder. We didn't get much sleep because Lex didn't like sleeping in her play pin/bassinet. The last night we were there Josh got a combined total of 4 hours of sleep and I got a combined total of 5. It was rough! And car trips are no longer a walk in the park. When we went before, we may have had to stop once to use the restroom but this time we had to stop for a couple times and let Lex stretch her legs and just be out of the car seat. Luckily on the way back she slept for three quarters of the trip! Which was DEFINITELY A GOOD THING because she was so crabby. I totally understand though because she was (and still is) teething really bad and she wasn't feeling good because of it, she didn't have her own bed in her own room (which I think was harder on us LOL), and she wasn't at home in her normal routine. All in all it was good to see Josh's grandparents and get to spend time with them hanging out and playing Mexican Train!

I can totally tell its fall now! For the first time in a while (especially because I was pregnant and not super cold) I am wearing a sweatshirt and sweats! It feels comfy! In my opinion, a sweatshirt (just for lounging around the house) should be big and like you can wrap your whole body in it if necessary! I can't believe we will be celebrating our first Thanksgiving, CHRISTmas, and New Years with Lexi this year! Soon after that she will be a year old! I can't believe how fast time is flying! I feel like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital and how overly emotional I was! That night I was introduced to Impractical Jokers which gave me something to laugh about after being so emotionally exhausted and tired!

Last night I did something new! I have always seen the broiler setting on my oven and never really used it! I used it last night to cook Josh some chicken. OH MY GOSH! I will never ever go back! How the heck did I not know about this little treasure! Seriously! I'm going to do steak next and see if I can make myself a medium steak! Which by the way would be the first time ever! I always over cook it! You have NO idea how excited I am! I am loving trying new things. Who knows what else is in store for me!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!

Prayers have been answered! My camera is supposed to arrive tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think there are enough exclamation points in the world to convey how I feel at this moment! Also Lex's  car seat is supposed to arrive tomorrow as well and so she will be able to ride in a big girl car seat as well as a much more comfortable car seat for a long trip. On the long trip front, Josh is getting sick. He's coming home early today and hopefully into a doctor. The last thing I want to do is have him get his grandparents sick because its so much harder on them being sick. So pray he gets better before we leave or we will have to delay it. : (

Lex is in a new sleeping schedule and I HATE EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is waking up in the middle of the night again only to eat a few ounces and take her own sweet time falling back asleep. She is waking up at 5am-ish to just scream and I REFUSE to let her be up at that time! Mom has to sleep too or she will go crazy and then Daddy will never want to come home from work! LOL! So she has been waking up at 7am and I'm blaming this on her teeth! I'm willing to pull those teeth through the skin (of course just kidding) if that means we both get more sleep! She kissed me for the first time yesterday! I was laying on the floor with her and she leaned over and kissed my cheek! Open mouth kiss but she doesn't know how to make a kiss face yet. It melted my heart. Then she kissed her Auntie (Heidi) last night when I was over at Mom and Dad's last night. She is getting so cute these days minus those darn teeth!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Wednesday! Wait, it is Wednesday right? I don't know my days this week! Its too long of a week already and so much to do this week!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Please please please

I would really love it if my camera would arrive on time so we could take it with us. Please please pray that it gets here! I want to take it sooooooo bad! Also, still working on my cookbook. Lex is still being fussy. Its going to be a long week. We got her a car seat for the trip but it will be her car seat till she is in a booster seat hopefully! Car seats are so expensive these days!

Monday, September 24, 2012

What a day!

Well, Lex has been super fussy this week. Its a mix of teething, not wanting to nap, and separation anxiety. Whenever I walk out of a room, she fusses even if someone is holding her. Makes it hard to get things done especially when she doesn't want to nap very long after she has given in to take a nap. All that said, I still enjoy my job. I love watching her grow and I'm so glad I don't have to take her to daycare and go to work. 
I am trying to get myself prepared for going to Josh's grandparents this weekend. Normally I would be super excited but this is the first time we have taken her on a trip. I don't know how it will go. We have to pack SO MUCH MORE STUFF!!!! UGH! A high chair, a play pin/bassinet for sleeping, baby food, formula, bottles, bottled water, clothes, have to buy some disposable diapers (ICK! I'm so used to my cloth diapers but I don't want to have to do laundry at his grandparents' house)...the list goes on and on. I don't think I'm ready for this but if we don't take the plunge now I don't think I ever will. As I write this, I'm picturing an 18 year old who has never gone anywhere because her parents were too scared to go anywhere. Well you can see how much my mind wanders this late at night and its only 8pm. Wish me luck! Ha ha ha ha

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well, I got an update this morning about my camera. If everything goes right, we should be getting the camera on the 27th. We leave on the 28th so please be praying that that happens. My recipe book is going to take a lot longer than expected. I'm a pretty good typist but Lex's naps change each day. Some days they are an hour long, some days they are half an hour long so it will just depend on her. Usually I can get 1 or 2 done while she is napping but I have other chores that need to get done as well. Also if you want a healthier version of coconut cream pie, I found a really good recipe! It's Paula Deen too! Here it is: .
I would recommend that you only use 1/4 tsp salt because 1 tsp is too much unless you like salt a lot! Its one of the better healthy recipes I have found and it was my first time making coconut cream pie!

Seriously my baby gets cuter and cuter every day! She is still continuing with her "cough" to get attention. 
Tomorrow she has her 6 month shots. : ( Sad mama. I wish I could take them for her even though I absolutely hate shots and there should be another way to do it! Poor girl!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New task...

So I said in the beginning I was going to do my own cookbook. Its not stuff that I have come up with. Well, I'm sure eventually I will put some of my own recipes in here, but I have a problem with measuring! I rarely do it the same every time but I guess that's why. I guess a new personal goal would be to start measuring and writing down my own recipes. This book is just so I don't have to look at a recipe card and then if anyone wants one of my recipes I can just print off what I have typed up.

Last night was a rough night. Lex didn't eat much before bed because she was so tired so she woke up at 11pm to eat. Then went back to bed pretty easily. Then at 1am she woke up screaming like she was in pain. I had to rock her to try to get her to lay back down and she didn't end up going back to sleep until 2am. Its been a long time since we had a night like that. Then she was up at 5am and I didn't think she was hungry but she kept fussing so I made a bottle. She only ate 1 oz. and then took her own sweet time falling back to sleep. Then she woke up at 8:45am and didn't want to eat so it was safe to say we were officially "up" for the morning. I tried feeding her around 10:45am and she only ate 3oz out of 7. I have a feeling its going to be a long day. On another note, I got a "bad mommy point" yesterday. I had her laying on my bed in the middle and walked to the linen closet to put some towels away that I was folding. I could see her from where I was and then took my eyes away for maybe 15 seconds and all the sudden I head a boom and run in to find Lex on the floor crying. I picked her up immediately and soothed her and apologized for being a bad mom and that I wasn't going to do that again. Now she's on the move with rolling around and soon she will be crawling and walking. The days of setting her or laying her on the couch or bed and walking away for a second are gone. My life is about to get a little more crazy. I can feel it!  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Finding joy in the not so joyful moments

Lately Lex has been teething like crazy and yesterday developed this horrible diaper rash. I have been coating her (and when I say "coating her" I mean her butt is white from desitin) with desitin and its getting a little better but its still bad. It breaks my heart every time I change her diaper. Today I'm going to do diaper free time where she doesn't have to wear a diaper and maybe it will dry up a little. Yesterday I couldn't put her in her walker or swing, I either had to hold her all day or sit on the floor with her. So I was trying to get dinner and dessert done yesterday while holding her and keeping her distracted from her pain. I had her laying in her play pin in the kitchen and I was talking to her and every few minutes I would walk over and look and her and give her some water and everything I was doing would make her laugh. It warmed my heart so much. I think that was my most favorite part of yesterday. Today is shaping up to be the same way and I'm enjoying every little smile and giggle that comes from her because I know she has to be in so much pain. She has her 6 month check up on Friday which means shots. I hoping that her rash is cleared up by then because I'm sure the doctor will ream me if it's not. Its not like I'm neglecting her at all! I'm doing everything I can think of. I am also looking for a new female pediatrician in Springfield so #1 I don't have to drive as far and #2 so that I don't get a "negative nancy" explanation every time we go see the doctor. Please continue to pray that my camera comes before we leave. I would LOVE to have it with us!  

Monday, September 17, 2012


I am SOOOOOO done with this teething business and I know I still have a long road ahead of me! UGH! And to top it off I'm teething on and off with my wisdom teeth. Yes, I know I have to get them removed but we just can't afford one more medical bill! Sometimes I hate money so much!

Tonight is Monday night dinner and we are having tacos and snickers cake for dessert! : ) My camera has not yet made it to Canon yet but is supposed to arrive on Thursday and then will take 5-7 business days to fix and then shipping back. It would be a blessing if it were here by Thursday the 27th so that we can take it to Washington when we go to see Josh's grandparents. So if you think about it, please pray that it comes by then. It would be nice to have pictures with Lexi, Grandma Gloria, and Grandpa Ray because we don't know how many more trips we will get to make to see them. 

Have a good Monday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


So yesterday the camera of my dreams came and then 20 minutes after it exited the box it broke!!!!!!!!! I was so mad and still kind of am. I have to now send it to Canon because the company who we bought it from didn't really want to deal with me. So 5-7 days AFTER canon receives it they will send it back to me so it could be away from me for a couple weeks! GAH!!!! All I want to do is take pictures! I'm so bummed!

Tonight (or this afternoon depending on Lex) I will be making a dessert for Nana for the thing they have going at their house. Lex and I are attempting our first grocery shopping trip alone today but it should be easier because she's now sitting in a cart like a big girl! Can't believe how fast time has flown. It now makes sense to me when people say, "How in the world are they 18 and graduating??? It felt like yesterday I was bringing him/her home from the hospital!" Obviously Lex isn't graduating but she will be 6 months in a matter of days. I can't believe how fast time goes. I miss the days of just being able to hold such a tiny baby and her sleeping a lot, but I do so much enjoy all the interactions I have with her on a daily basis. I thank God everyday that he blessed me and Josh with just enough so I can stay home and raise our daughter and get to watch her grow up. Yesterday she stood without any help from me for about 3 seconds. That may not seem like a lot but that's a very big step to her growing up. I'm so proud of her from where she has come. From a breathing machine to being ahead of her time and starting to eat solid foods at 3 months old. She's just don't so amazing. I don't sound like a proud mama at all do I????!!! LOL! I can and can't wait to see what she will become and if she gets my cooking from me! I would love to pass that on to her!  

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's been a while!

WOW! It's been a while since I posted! Mom was on vacation last week and we did lots of stuff! Lex tried chicken for the first time and HATED it! It just may have been too soon. She also drank from a sippy cup and held it for the first time by herself! So much is changing! She will be 6 months old this Sunday! Where has time gone??? Its like it was yesterday that I was sitting on my hospital bed and my baby was on machines to breathe! Maybe someday soon I will put up what I wrote just days after coming home from the hospital while it was fresh in my mind.

Today I did two things I never thought I would do. 1. I got extensions. 2. I got magenta ones! I LOVE THEM!!! Here's a picture:

Oh my gosh they are soooooo fun!

Lex has been doing this "cough" thing in order to get attention. Its so funny! She doesn't get that animals can't talk like humans do so she has been coughing at Lucy (Mom and Dad's dog) and Rocky (Auntie and Uncle's dog) to get their attention. It doesn't work but she tries anyway. Here's a video of her "cough" LOL

She just gets cuter and cuter everyday! She's teething SO bad right now! I want to pull my hair out or take her place! I feel so bad for her and for me because we aren't getting much good quality sleep in this house! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Pray for us!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ducks, weekend, and food food food

This weekend was a very busy one. Friday Mom, Lexi, and I hung out and had our usual Friday fun. Saturday held food and the Duck game (which we kicked butt by the way!). I made potato soup and lots of it! So we had more yesterday as well. All in all busy weekend. Mom is off this week so Lex and I will get to spend some time with her. Its always fun no matter what we are doing! Tonight we are doing our "Monday" night dinner and we are having rootbeer pulled pork sandwiches. Can't wait! Its always good. Thanks to Heather Raaf for bringing up that recipe once! : ) Have a good Tuesday!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's FINALLY here!!!!

This is Lexi's first Oregon Football Game (Outside of my tummy of course!)!! It's dawning on me all the things I get to do now, now that I'm not working. I don't have to start Christmas in August. I don't have to worry about asking for time off to go see Josh's grandparents. I don't have to worry about missing an Oregon game because I may have to work. I can have a cup of coffee in the morning. I don't have to rush rush rush when I get up unless there is a mess to attend to LOL. I can enjoy being a mommy of a beautiful little girl and a furry little boy.

Today we are having potato mushroom soup (made by me), weiner wraps, rolls and for dessert waffle brownies (thank you pinterest to opening my mind to such an amazing thing) with ice cream and homemade whipped cream!

Oh and we are watching the Ducks play on the big screen! And by the big screen I mean and big projector in Nana and Papa's house! That's the next best thing to being inside of Autzen Stadium! I love my ducks!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ducky, Ducky, Ducky

Yesterday, Lexi got to be at Autzen Stadium for the first time ever. We weren't allowed inside obviously but we took pictures outside. Mom got her a little headband and a t-shirt so she can sport her "duckyness" LOL! What can I say? We don't raise beavers in this household! : D She's growing up the right way as far as I'm concerned! : )

One day she will get to look back on these pictures and say she was a Ducky from the very beginning! What can I say? It runs in our blood! : ) Very excited for Saturday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Last night my evening was spent making a Mexican chicken and rice casserole and a snickers cake for my mom's work potluck. I just love cooking and baking. Being a mom, baking and cooking are what I'm supposed to do. It brings so much joy. I feel like baking and cooking are one of the things I can control. I know that sounds weird but its like the quote from Julie and Julia, "Chocolate cream pie! You know what I love about cooking? I love that after a day when nothing is sure and when I say nothing, I mean nothing. You can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick. That's such a comfort"

That's pretty much how i feel! happy Wednesday! Oh and the meaning for the title is I'm going to let Lex try strawberries today!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dinner and my evening

Dinner went over well. LOVE the recipe!!! Then Mom, Lex, Josh and I went over to hang out with Nana and Papa and enjoy the evening where Lex fell asleep on mom and I had to have mom wake her up so that she would sleep last night. She did pretty well with eating her bottle last night. For those of you who know us she hasn't been eating her bottle before bed and wakes up around 3 to only eat a couple ounces. She ate a good portion last night and went to bed around 9 and slept till 6am ate some and then slept until 9am. All in all good night. 

On the other hand I'm trying to teach Josh to braid my hair because its getting long and I can't braid it behind my head. That, to put it nicely, was a very interesting experience! LOL. If any of you have tips on teaching a guy to braid hair PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know! It's hard to teach someone what to do when it's happening behind your head and you can't see what they are doing. At the end of the night my hair had MANY MANY knots. Oh well. I told him as the dad of a daughter he needs to know how to do this especially if something happens to me. I don't plan on that happening but its better to be prepared. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday! Can't wait for Saturday! I'm making my potato mushroom soup for the duck game! Maybe a snickers cake is in order as well. Not sure though.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Night Dinner

Tonight we are starting Monday night dinners again. We are going to be having the to die for cream cheese chicken enchiladas. I can hardly wait.

Josh has today off and so I get a helper today while I make dinner, clean the house and do laundry and cram a shower in there somewhere. NEVER EVER TAKE A SHOWER FOR GRANTED! Once you become a mom they are a luxury if they aren't already!

Any ideas for a recipe for next Monday night? I use pinterest mostly! LOVE IT! And now they have an app for your phone! What are they trying to do to me???? LOL!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The fair

Mom, Heidi, Lexi and I went to the state fair yesterday. It was pretty fun all except me getting burnt like a lobster. It was worse last night than today but I still haven't taken a shower yet and something tells me I will be taking a cool shower for a couple days. Lexi seemed to enjoy herself except for the heat. Just like her mama in that regard. For it being as hot as it was, she did amazing. She's starting to notice shadows and thinks they are funny. Its quite cute

 Tomorrow we start up the tradition again of Monday night dinners. On the menu for tomorrow, the enchiladas I made last week. They were super good and super easy. Can't wait for mom, Heidi, and Micah to try them. 

Lexi is moving along quite well in her development. She's getting very chunky and healthy. LOL! I'm going to say she's still in the 90th percentile if not higher. : ) Proud mama here. I know I am doing a good job. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adding to the recipe....

There may have been very few times where I have ever followed a recipe exactly. I'm always adding in something or taking something out that I don't like and replacing it with something else. I feel I am talented in that area. Maybe its my pallet. I don't really know, but I love the fact that I can and do put my own spin on things. 

On another note, why isn't splash open later in the evenings????? That seriously bugs me! Lex LOVES the water. On a Thursday they are open from 1pm to 5pm. Seriously????? Ugh!

Last night I made potato and mushroom soup. So yummy. I will put the recipe up but I added 1 clove of elephant garlic, a dash of oregano, more than a dash of basil and 2 cups instead of 1.5 cups of heavy cream and as much fresh mushrooms as I wanted. I also did not add the celery salt and used normal salt instead. Pretty good if you ask me. Here is the link: 

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Thing to do today. : ( Not pleasant things. I have laundry and dishes and cleaning to do which I have no motivation for. Annoying! I'm making homemade potato soup for dinner. All from scratch. Hopefully it tastes good. Its supposed to be Outback's recipe. Wish me luck. I DON'T WANNA DO DISHES! Ugh, some days I just can't find the motivation for cleaning and other days I can't find enough stuff to clean! 

Lexi and I matched our clothes yesterday and she was so cute. I got some good pictures of her on my phone and camera but my phone is being stupid. 

I'm supposed to receive a couple packages in the mail today. I'm thinking of getting Lex a seat for the bathtub where she can sit in it and we can just fill the bath tub instead of her little tub. She loves the water. We are going to have to take her swimming again. She enjoyed herself and was quite exhausted that night. Another thing. She tried prunes yesterday and I thought she was going to hate them but she loved them almost as much as she loved bananas. She's always surprising me!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The BEST things in life...

I am so glad God gave me such a beautiful an amazing daughter. Don't know what my life would be without her. Oh ya, working at Hirons. Ha ha ha. This is THE best job I have ever had! I so grateful that I get to be a stay at home mommy. Although I wasn't fully aware of the sacrifices I/we would be making, it's the best decision for her and our future child. Ya sure, you give up going to movies, getting  new clothes and shoes, going out to dinner unless it's a special occasion, and doing other fun things that cost money, its the best sacrifice of my life. 

I love love love having a little girl. We can match our outfits! Today is one of those days. I will post pictures tomorrow. She's even got pink shoes like me thanks to her Nonnie. : D Anyway, she's up. I gotta go.

Monday, August 20, 2012


This weekend was an okay weekend. Got to get out and do yard work soon. Ended the weekend with a fire and that was super relaxing. The first one of the summer. Soon we will have to get sister and new brother in law over for a fire. 

This week I have got to get further on my scrapbooking FALLING WAY BEHIND! Lex is now rolling and rolling and rolling. Its crazy that she is 5 months and doing so many things. Its like watching me grow up because she looks so much like me! I love her so much!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Josh is asleep. Lexi is asleep. Joey is balancing on my knee. My body is exhausted. I did grocery shopping yesterday with mom and Lex. Today we did some shopping for my cousin's 6th birthday! Long couple of days but they were fun. The excessive heat was kind of a struggle with an already too warm baby but I LOVE THE SUMMER! If it could be summer all year round I would be thrilled!

They are at the bottom of the page. Seriously! I felt like I was eating heaven last night. These are one of the things that will be in heaven for sure! LOL

Anyways, my brain is pretty much done for the day as well as the rest of my body. Good night. Enjoy your Friday night. Go out and party while I'm sleeping. I know I'm not missing one single thing.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Shopping day!

It's finally grocery shopping day! YAY! Also Lex finishes her applesauce today and will start peaches tomorrow! Then I can start mixing things for her! So excited! No allergies as of yet THANK YOU JESUS! I'm so proud of her, she's getting so big and accomplishing so much! Now if only one of those annoying teeth would pop through she would be much happier! :)

I'm going to try some new recipes on this paycheck. LOVE trying new recipes. I love to cook and bake! Its just so much fun! I have loved it since I was little. I put Lex in her walker in the kitchen while I'm cooking in hopes of inspiring her to cook.

On another note, I miss my bestie terribly! I wish we lived next door to each other. Then on the other hand I feel that we would be dangerous! Ha ha ha! Love you Courtney!

We are having PJ, Brande, Dustin and Rory over on Sunday. I may make chili or something else. Haven't decided yet.

Have a nice Thursday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Sometimes my daughter just makes me laugh so hard! Last night around 3am she started fussing. So I got up and went in to put her paci in her mouth. I was trying to find her mouth in the dark and all I could find were legs and its normally where her head is. Then, I couldn't feel her diaper. I panicked!! So I turned on the light and she had managed to have her head facing the bottom of the crib and her diaper was off and she was away from it. Immediately I felt the bed to see if it was wet and thank goodness it wasn't. So I picked her up, put her in a diaper she couldn't get out of and then put her in jammies to make sure for sure that she couldn't get her diaper off. LOL! So then she wakes me up around 8:30 and I stumble out of bed to go make a bottle and sit in the living room waiting for her to make enough noise for me to go get her. 15 minutes goes by and no noise. Then an hour and a half goes by and no noise so I went in to check on her to make sure she is still breathing! (I do this all the time.) I stepped into her room and couldn't hear breathing which more times than not I can hear her. It freaked me out. Then I got up to the crib and she was sleeping on her tummy and I touched her back to make sure she was breathing and she moved and I knew I was in the clear. She is still sleeping. She must have been one tired girl. She makes me laugh because she HATES tummy time and the fact that I find her sleeping on her tummy is hilarious. Maybe she's a closet tummy time lover ha ha ha ha ha!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Taking weekends off...

I think instead of holding myself to a high standard of blogging everyday, I will blog during the week days. Weekends are family time unless something amazing happens and I have to document it.

On the weight loss side, I;m doing terribly! I haven't been dieting and need to find the motivation to get on that horse again! Ugh! It's not fun! I LOVE food. I love to bake and cook because I feel like its my form of art. I guess I'm gonna have to back off on the fatty "art" LOL

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Lexi is LOVING bananas. When I get the spoon in the bowl she already has her mouth open for another bite! So cute. She was even pissed that she had to take her bottle and not more bananas. I think I know where that all of the sudden banana craving came from. LOL! 

She's getting so big and when she cries is starting to try to say "ma-ma" at least that's how it sounds to me. She's using her voice a lot which can be annoying at times, such as in the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep. LOL!!! She's getting ticklish and not just grunting when you tickle her she's starting to giggle when being tickled. She's at such a fun stage! I pulled out the outfit that she came home in and MAN IS SHE HUGE!!!!!! I will have to take a pic side by side of what she came home in and what she's wearing now. Love her. Oh and she pet Joey for the first time today. I had to keep telling her to be easy and Joey is seeming to get used to her although he doesn't like her sudden movements which I don't blame him. Poor cat. Soon enough they will be best friends!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Myspace SUCKS!

I wanted to go to myspace to see how it's doing. Well, IT SUCKS! I like facebook soooooooo much better! Pork Tenderloin is in the slow cooker and the house is smelling amazing. Now, to find the motivation to make the bed, do the dishes and do the laundry. I think my motivation is hiding in the attic! UGH! Darn you motivation!

Both the kids are sleeping. Well, Joey is in and out of sleep on Josh's computer chair. So cute! I am enjoying watching the Olympics. Maybe I will take scrap book stuff in to the living room while Lex is asleep. Maybe some motivation is hiding in there. :(

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Still have yet to find the motivation for scrap booking Lexi. If you have any tips for motivation PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

On another front, we completed our first veggies last night. Tonight we start fruits! On the agenda is apple sauce, pears, bananas, and I have to get peaches. Its going to be great! Then we can start mixing the first foods! Can't believe we are to this stage already. So far her favorites are carrots and sweet potatoes. Green beans were next and she didn't really care for peas and squash.

I am enjoying being a stay at home mom! I love being with my girl. She's the light of my day, unless we are both fussy. LOL! No, but seriously, I LOVE IT! Couldn't ask for anything else!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The cake

The cake turned out amazing! Not too sweet as I thought it would be. Well the garage got taken care of this weekend.
1. Clean the garage.
2. Scrapbook Lexi.
3. Scrapbook our wedding.

So next I will be scrap booking Lexi. Now if only I could enlist her to help me..............Don't see that happening any time soon LOL. I'm going to try to get organized while she is sleeping. Hopefully she sleeps longer than a half an hour! Well, I better get a head start in case she doesn't.
I'm not even going to say "Happy Monday" because I don't think there is such a thing LOL 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Well, we didn't get the weeding done which it was super hot outside and I didn't feel like having a heat stroke yesterday so weeding got skipped. Next weekend its in the plans. The garage looks superb!! Also, Lexi belly laughed for the first time yesterday and I missed it!!!!!!!! : ( Sad day for a mama! Auntie and Nonnie got it on their phones so I got to see it. It has been my goal today to get her to laugh. Thing is I think we are gonna have to get a dog or rent a dog or just bring Lucy over or something because she was laughing at Rocky (Uncle and Auntie's Dog) and Lucy (Nonnie and Poppie's dog). 

My Cake is finished and it looks super evil!!!! Here's the picture!
You have to tilt your head. OH MY GOODNESS! It looks so yummy!

Josh and I saw Dark Knight Rises again and they left it open for yet another movie but if its been a while since you watched Dark Knight, watch it before you go see the movie. I need to watch it again as well. They make some good movies.

They are coming out with Wizard of Oz and that one looks good as well as Man of Steel (Superman) which also looks good. We had a good evening after the movie. We went to dinner and then dessert at Sweet Life. SUPER YUMMY! For those of you who haven't been to sweet life I recommend it!
Have a happy Sunday!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Making the cake....

Well, I'm currently in the process of starting my snickers cake. Yes, I am aware that it's 9:50pm but I have a very busy day tomorrow. Tomorrow Mom (Nonnie) is picking Lex up so that Josh and I can clean the garage, do some weeding, go see a movie, eat dinner, and have dessert to celebrate our anniversary. All the weeding might not get done but at least we are working on it. Weeds SUCK! 

We are going to see the Dark Knight Rises Again. Sounds like it should be good. Sunday I will finish up the cake and hopefully post pictures of it! Well, the buzzer is about to go off. Enjoy your Friday night. I know I am.
: )

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Today, 4 years ago, Josh and I were two hours away from saying our "I Do's." I can't believe it has been 4 years! Crazy and we have two beautiful babies to show for it! Joey gets his good looks from his dad : ) and Lexi get's her good looks from her mom! : ) Today we don't get to spend much time together because Josh has to work late but we have the whole day Saturday to celebrate! Thanks Mom! 

Saturday will start with us getting Lexi ready for Nonnie, then we will eat breakfast and then start cleaning the garage together! Then later that evening we will go to dinner and then a movie possibly or just dinner and dessert! Its going to be a fun weekend. Then on Sunday we are going to our friend's house for dinner and dessert. I'm making dessert. This is what I hope to make :)
I hope it turns out.

Nana is coming over today to get some Lexi time. Speaking of Lexi, she rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday. I had her on her back then left the room for a minute and came back to find her on her tummy. I was like, "What??? How did you do that??!!!" Then I put her on her back because she HATES tummy time and she let me know. Why on earth she would want to roll on her tummy when she hates it is beyond me. LOL! Then I walked back out of the room to put something in my room and came back and she was on her tummy again! She was fussing yet again because she was on her tummy. Silly girl! Then I tried to video it and she rolled before I could hit record. So then I had to sit her up with one hand and get my phone ready. Here's the video!
I was so proud of her.

Here is a video of her trying a pickle. This wasn't the first time but she had the exact same reaction.

I love her so much! Just when I think she couldn't get any cuter she does!

Have a Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New tasks........

There are some tasks I am setting for myself to accomplish.
1. Clean the Garage and get rid of crap we don't need.
2. Scrapbook Lexi
3. Scrapbook our wedding
4.Get my scrapbook stuff organized (I guess this should be #2)
5. Create a bucket list.
6. Become a crazy insane coupon-er.

I like to start with a small list so I can accomplish them. I think it will make me feel better to accomplish a small list then I can make another small list and another and another until I'm crossing off  things on my bucket list! Yesterday, Mom, Lexi and I went grocery shopping. I'm sore today though. Also we got another spray tan. Pretty fun! Tomorrow is my 4th wedding anniversary! Can't believe its been 4 years and one baby later. :) Wouldn't trade it for anything! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Swimming Suits.....

I can't wait to take Lexi swimming! Mom got her some new swim suits that will hopefully fit her! LOL! She's HUGE! :) But I'm glad she's growing. Tomorrow is payday and Thursday is mine and Josh's 4 year anniversary! Can't believe next year will be 5 years! Crazy how fast time flies!

Can't wait till September because then we get to go see Josh's grandparents. Lexi tried carrots last night. She did okay with them. Don't know if they will be a favorite or not. Next week is sweet potatoes and then we start fruits! Yay! My girl is growing so fast!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Growing like a weed!

My daughter is getting bigger and bigger everyday. Now she is in 12-18 month clothes and is only 4 months! Aaaahhh! It's hard to keep up with her. If you buy her clothes, ask me what size she is in first! PLEASE! She is getting so big!

We finished squash! It was ok, not her favorite by any means. We start carrots today. So far we have done green beans, peas, squash and are now starting carrots. We only have sweet potatoes left for the veggies before we can start fruits! She is a very healthy little girl! And her gums on the bottom are turning white because teeth are getting close. She is drooling like nobody's business! LOL! 

Another new thing....She is now using her stroller without the use of the car seat! This isn't fair! Yes I know she has to grow up but I don't want her to! She is pretty much rolling over from back to tummy as well! Big changes in the Johnson Household! Next thing will be her driving my car. LORD HELP US!!!!! LOL! Well that's all for today. We have cousin Maxwell's birthday party to go to today.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Up early!

Well Lex woke up at 4:30 this morning. She went back down after she had her bottle but Mom didn't get to go back to sleep. I COULDN'T sleep anymore. I was so mad! So I am still awake. Lame. Lexi woke up at 7ish which is abnormal for her. She usually sleeps until at least 8:30.

We get to spend the day with Nonnie. I AM SO EXCITED for Tuesday. PAYDAY! On Thursday Josh and I will have been married for 4 years! Where has time gone?? Well I'm off to get Lexi ready for the day! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A raise!

Josh got a "positive review" yesterday! I'm so proud of him and he scored really high on his review for being a new hire!

On another plus side, I got my desk all cleaned up and got the corner in our living room cleaned from clearing out what used to be my room that is now Lexi's. So proud of myself. On the list soon is to clean the garage but I will have to have a babysitter that day because I don't exactly want to put Lex in her walker in the garage and the baby monitor doesn't reach that far. So the next list is follows:
1. Clean the Garage.
2. Scrapbook my wedding. Yes I am aware that is has been almost 4 years.
3. Scrapbook Lexi.

I promised a video of her standing. Here it is.

Also I have more pictures as well : )
This was last night. Josh was holding her and all the sudden we heard heavy breathing and she was out!

This is her dress that she wore at the wedding and might I add did quite well!
This was Lex the day before the wedding. I had to lay her down in her stroller and stick her in a dark hall so she could sleep :)

Mom, Heidi, and I were at Papa's Pizza and Lex was staring at the wall and all the sudden fell asleep like this : D That's my daughter!

Needless to say I'm a proud Mama!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today I WILL clean my desk!!!!!

Today I will clean my desk! Today I WILL clean my desk!! TODAY I WILL CLEAN MY DESK!!!! Maybe if I say it enough it will become motivating to clean my desk... Ha ha ha. If only things worked that way. 

Lex went down for her nap easily! Maybe I will stick her walker in the computer room and keep her entertained while cleaning! Multitasking. A mom's got to do what a mom's got to do! 

Lex tried a pickle for the first time last night and LOVED it! I mean LOVED LOVED LOVED it! She kinda got mad when we took it away. Most babies make a face when they try something sour. Not my daughter! She is so cute!

She stood the other day while holding onto one of Joey's toys. I can't post the video today but I will try to post it tomorrow. Desk cleaning time!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back in the regular swing of things...

Today is a normal day. YAY! Josh is back at work, Lex is down for her first nap, dishes are caught up, laundry is in the washer. Now I have to get back on exercising. : / Not fun but worth it in the end when Lex gets a healthier mommy. My goal is to be skinny by the time I'm pregnant again which is 2 or 3 years down the road. I am happy to take this slow and work for it!

I MUST start scrapbooking again! I MUST! Oh, and I MUST clean my desk! Still haven't done that yet but with the wedding over I will have more free time! 

Have a happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Crazy few days!!!

Wow! I felt bad not blogging but at the same time life was CRAZY!!!!!!!!! We had so much to do and were even working on doing stuff for the wedding up until minutes before!! I'm done! Matron of Honor is a HUGE  job! Lots of responsibilities but hopefully the Bride and Groom enjoyed it and loved what they saw. Renita (my cousin and mother of the photographer) was a HUGE help! Don't know what we would have done without her. She ended up being the coordinator, the "flower maker" (I know that isn't the correct term), helped decorate the church and reception area, did photographs with her son and soooooo much more! Renita we appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Thursday was the rehearsal dinner. We also had a lot of decorating to do that day. I wasn't as much help as I wanted to be because that was Josh's late day and for whatever reason Lex was fussy so she was my priority. 

Friday was such a busy day. First it started off with taking Lex to get her 4 month shots, which of course didn't go over well. She was in the 90th percentile for her head, weight, and height. Needless to say she is a very healthy baby! Mama is doing her job well! Peas went over okay. This week we will be starting squash! Daddy's choice. Friday we had the bachelorette party and a lot of the decorating fell on Mom, Renita and Dad and I'm sure others as well. Then after the bachelorette party we (Heidi and I) went to her house for her to pack where she ended up throwing up. Not fun! I had to clean it up. Like I said Matron of Honor is a huge job LOL. Heidi you still owe me for that. We were driving her car, and for those of you who know me, I can't drive a stick so I kept telling her, "Please don't throw up in the car. I can't drive a stick!" I must have said that 10 times. Then we got to the church to check it out and it was like 11pm. She gagged several times on the way there. Then after we checked out what the church looked like we went back to my house where she stayed the night. We got in bed at midnight then Lex started crying. UGH!! I just wanted sleep and so did Heidi. Then we got about 2 hours of solid sleep then Heidi woke up sick again. At one point she was running a 102.3 temp. I had to get up and get her some crackers and water and then she was throwing up. Just when we got her laid down, then Lex woke up crying again. We got about 2 and a half hours of sleep that night. Then we were up by 5 to get our showers and start getting ready. The wedding went well. The bride was a little cranky but who wouldn't be going on that little sleep and being sick. We got her and Micah all happy making them leave with their presents to open. : ) Then I went back to the church to help Mom and the others clean up and set up. That night I went to bed at 9:30 and Lex slept until 7am! LOVELY! Then after her bottle went back to sleep until 11 am. Sunday was spent not getting out of my jammies and doing laundry and dishes to get the house caught back up while taking care of a sick husband. Today Josh didn't go to work because he was so sick and we took him to the doctor where we found out he's dealing with a sinus infection. Not fun! Anyways, this should make up for missing several days of blogging. Have a good evening!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Loving this stage!

My favorite thing right now is Lexi's laughter! My whole goal seems to be making her laugh. It's something different every time but when she laughs at something I do I try to get her to do it over and over and over again! It makes me laugh and my laugh usually scares her which makes me laugh even more. Its just a fun cycle.

This week is so busy already. Its only Tuesday and there is sooooooo much to do. Mom and Heidi came over yesterday and Heidi was here till about 9:40 working on wedding stuff. Today we start all over. I have at least one project I can work on today............................................I see a long day ahead of me. Plus Josh works until 8 tonight. Like I said, long week.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Peas! Happy 4 months!

Today we start peas. I'm glad I started when I did because I think it was perfect timing for her. Green beans started off rough but eventually she liked them. Don't know about peas. I can't stand them! They smell like a wet dog to me. We have Lex's 4 month check up on Friday. I know, I know, with all the crazy of the week before the wedding, adding in Lex's 4 month check up too. Like I said, busy week ahead! AAAAHHHHH! I think with all the veggies we try they will start off rough because it's new. I could be wrong though.

She went down for her nap without a hitch. *Happy Mama* I have plenty of stuff to do today to keep me busy lol! AAAHHHHH Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dang it!

Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!!!! I forgot to post yesterday! I was doing so stinkin good too. : / Well yesterday and today was filled with wedding stuff and I have wedding stuff up to my eyeballs this next week! I feel like I'm the one getting married! Maybe Heidi and Micah will share their wedding gifts with me! *hint, hint* ; ) Well, NOT the lingerie! It won't fit lol.

Josh has been super great with taking care of Lex these past couple days so I could go out and help Mom and Heidi with stuff. I appreciate it more than you know Josh. I love you!

This week holds LOTS of things. Mom and I are getting re-sprayed on Wednesday. I have to help make signs, help prepare the rehearsal dinner, help set up for the wedding, decorate the church and reception area, Bachelorette party, and much more. Wish me luck! I may lose 15lbs this week or gain 15lbs. HA HA HA Let's hope for losing it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

My new tan!

To start off I am tan in places that have NEVER EVER seen the sun! LOL!!!! Mom and I had quite an experience today and plan on going back next week so we look good for Heidi's wedding. I will take pictures of the finished product tomorrow. I LOVE IT!

Mom and I had a pretty long day. It started off with mom coming over and then I get a call from my bestie. Love you Court! She's talking about grocery shopping and then tells me she's going up to her door and there are kids there. Then all the sudden I hear a knock at the door and I look out the peephole and there are kids at my door too. So I said, "hey that's weird there's kids at my front door too." She then says there's three at my door then I go to look to see how many are at my door and then I see Courtney walking up behind them!!!! The kids kinda ruined the surprise but I had NO clue Courtney was coming. It was sooooooo great seeing her!

Then Mom, Lex and I did our Friday thing and got errands run, went to appointments, did a little shopping, then dropped Lex off with Josh so we could finish the grocery shopping. We were out until 10:30! That's late for us but we had soooo much fun. They shouldn't let us out at night. All in all today was such a great day despite being Friday the 13th. The "Friday the 13th" thing freaked us out when we had to write that date on the consent form to get out tans. Wow! We had A LOT OF FUN today. I am so tired but I still have laundry and just finished dishes. Oh and I also have to check out my new tan body lol. 
Goodnight All! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New things...

Lex is FINALLY starting to like green beans. We (mom's suggestion) added rice cereal to it and it seems to go down better. : ) Thanks Mom! So question for you mom's out there. Can I do green beans one day then carrots the next or do green beans for a while then switch? I'm all new at this! Also, Lex and I had a hard day yesterday but it ended so beautifully! I have to wait to post the video until I show all the right people first! : ) Another thing. Lex is doing well in her walker! Yesterday she was getting fussy and so I said, "come here." and I had my arms stretched out and she walked toward me at least a couple feet! AND AND AND!!!! She reached for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's doing so well, I couldn't be more proud!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I have lost 2.1lbs so far. Still not fast but I could lower my calories and lose faster. Maybe I will............. Lex is starting to reach for things now. Quite exciting.

Mom and I are thinking of getting a spray tan for Heidi's wedding. Never done that before. I'm calling today to see what prices are and stuff like that. Kinda nervous LOL

On the positive side, I found out I burn more calories cleaning and then I get a super clean house. I cleaned the fridge inside and out yesterday with bleach. NEVER EVER done that before hahahaha. I honestly don't know where the motivation came from. Hmmmm, what will I clean the crap out of today???

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Long day!

It's Tuesday, which means Josh works till 8. : ( Here's to hoping its a good day. It was so great to see Josh's grandparents on Sunday. I can't wait until September when we get to see them again. My favorite quote from that day was when Alan (Josh's dad) was talking to Grandma Gloria. It went a little something like this- Alan (to Grandma Gloria): "You should put your purse down and hold the baby." Grandpa Ray: "NO! She's gonna want another baby!" They are both in their 80s. I laughed soooooooooo hard! Yesterday I was quite munchy and need to invest in some gum. : / 

Lex is still asleep. Usually I write this on her first nap, but today she's sleeping in. : ) Yay me! I will try to go get some breakfast. Then I have more laundry, dishes, and cleaning to do. Its an endless cycle I guess. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer is finally here!

Summertime is FINALLY here. I guess I shouldn't expect any different in Oregon. Lex and I went out to get some things from the grocery store. I managed to hold her AND push the cart! I know what you're going to say. Talent! Sheer talent! : ) She was in just a bikini top and diaper and was still hot LOL.

Also, who decided the sizes of baby clothes?????????????????????? I put Lex in a 6-9 month tank top and had to take it off because it was too small!!! Not a happy mama! I'm happy that she's growing, just upset at myself that I didn't put it on her sooner.

On the weight loss front, I'm gaining a pound and a half and losing a pound and a half. Teeter totter. Hate it. I will keep up with it though. I must! I want to be skinny for my next pregnancy!!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The grandparents are visiting!!!!

Josh's grandparents are here from Washington! I LOVE THEM!!!! Grandma Gloria is so stinking cute. I just want to stick her in my pocket! Grandpa Ray is quite a character. I love them! They make my day! It's fun going to visit them in Washington. We have tried to make it a tradition that we go see them for Josh's birthday each year. This year we are taking Lexi! Today will be the first time they have gotten to see her since she has been born! I'm excited!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The shower is here!

No, not outside. Ha ha ha ha ha. Its Heidi's wedding shower. After today then I will have wedding stress instead of shower and wedding stress. : ) I am soooooooooo happy that it's sunny outside! Now to conquer having a hot baby! I guess she will be in just a diaper this summer. Thank goodness we don't live in Vegas. God doesn't even like to visit Vegas in the summer ha ha ha ha! Looks like I will be getting my camera! So very excited!!! I can't wait to take pictures!!!!!! Well, that's all for today! Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Being selfish..........

Sometimes I just want to be selfish. I have wanted a really nice camera for a while. FOR A LONG WHILE!!! I may get it, I may not. It just depends on how things work out.

I HATE ALLERGIES!!! They are sooooooo annoying! Makes me mad! I want to go outside and enjoy the weather but I'm miserable! I need a tan before the wedding. LOL If not, I guess it's not that big of a deal.

Today, I haven't found my inspiration for a blog. : / It is getting easier to be a single parent on nights that Josh has to work late, which will be 2 nights a week for July. I had her fed, bathed and down for bed by the time he got home last night. Maybe next week or the week after we will start green beans and peas so that's pretty exciting. Well, I guess that's all for now seeing as how I may just end up rambling on about random crap ha ha ha. Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Banana bread!

I attempted to make banana bread for the first time and I would have to say it was a success! I loooove it! Nana watched Lexi for me while I got some stuff done. Thanks Nan! Lexi didn't even make it home awake!
I got almost all my laundry done, all my dishes done, stuff done for the bridal shower for my sister, and banana bread made! Successful day :) 
What a tuckered little girl. Nana wore her out! :)

Tomorrow may or may not be a busy day, not sure yet. Husband is working late tonight. :( SUCKY! Hopefully Lex will be easy for me tonight!!!! Cross your fingers! Well, I better finish that laundry before she wakes up. I didn't take her out of her car seat :) LOL

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


    Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY!! No matter how much of our independence that was fought so hard for and so many lives were lost, Obama is still trying to take our freedom away a little at a time! If you didn't know where I stood on him, now you know! Don't even get me started!!!!

I love the FREEDOM I have. The freedom to raise my daughter the way I want to, to lift my hands in worship, to say when I think the president of this country is running it straight into the ground, to support our wonderful troops that put their lives on the line everyday. Thanks Mike Raaf for serving this country! I love you big brother!

Lex enjoyed what she saw of the fireworks. She's very tired and hasn't gone down for bed yet. We are working on it. Hopefully it goes okay. Our neighborhood is rather noisy! Here's a pic of Lex enjoying the fireworks lol...
She's asleep if you couldn't tell! :) Goodnight all! Don't take your freedom for granted. I don't!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm down!

    Ok, it doesn't seem like much but I have lost 1.5lbs since friday! I'm soooooooo happy! I did a pretty good workout yesterday on the wii and I'm going to costco today and I will be carrying Lex the whole way because it burns more calories!!!
    I'm baby sitting 2 babies today. Lex and Joey! Joey is seeming like such a little kid today and is driving me nuts lol! He just wants attention. Well, I better get going. Lex is down and I need to do laundry and eat and get ready before she wakes up. Hopefully today is better than yesterday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I've gone this far!

    Well, as of this morning I had gone 3 and a half months without getting peed on and I was thinking, "wow, I haven't gotten peed on yet..." That happened this morning. :( I opened the diaper and straight shot to my belly! ICK! Oh well, now I can't say that I haven't been peed on. Someone is fighting sleep, and I won't say who it is because she is sitting in her walker right next to me. LOL I'm on day 4 of my diet and haven't done bad at all. I had quinoa the other night for the first time. It wasn't bad at all. I made quinoa, chicken, and baked beans and it filled me up and was pretty good. Josh liked it. If you are going to make quinoa, make it in chicken broth not water. Words of wisdom by Papa. Thanks Papa!
    Heidi's (my sister) wedding shower is this weekend. I have lots to do and still have stuff to do for the wedding at the end of the month. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off and I'm not even the one getting married.
    Well, I better get this rowdy one to bed or just keep her in her walker until she passes out. If only it were that easy! I have lots to do today! Laundry, house work, wedding stuff..................................................oh and exercising somewhere in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, time to get off.